About Us


We facilitate education, health provisions, and skill development programs, to reach the right and deserving holders for making their lives financially and socially independent.

SANGATHA organization is a non-profit organization established on 23-02-2011 by like-minded social workers, professionals, and educationists with the aim of bringing about socio-economic, educational, and health development among the claimants targeting the downtrodden, poor, and reserved communities, minorities, backward classes, and neglected populations. Our area of operation is in and around Chikmagalur District, Karnataka.
 Education and health care for children under the privilege of mother-headed single-parent families.
 Nutritional care support for undernourished women and children.
 Lifecare support for HIV+ women and children.
 To promote skill development among power holders through various trades training.
 To make the rights holders of the organization sustainable and empowered.

Our Vision

We envision the all-round development of children and the empowerment of women in our society, making them socially and economically independent.

Our Mission

To support education, skill development, and other initiatives to reach them with self-enthusiasm, resulting in health for women and children, sustainable development, and an empowered community.

Our focus area

Our Team

Meet the masterminds behind the revolution

Board Members

Shilpa K S

Shilpa K S

(Founder & President)
P Vimala

P Vimala

(Vice President)


Shobha D C

Shobha D C

(Joint Secretary)
Shivakumar T S

Shivakumar T S

Team Members

Kruthi K

Kruthi K

Yamuna C V

Yamuna C V
